The UPMS regularly sponsors clinics by noted shooting authorities
to improve the skills of local shooters. Recent examples have
A 3-day training session with one full day of classroom instruction
and two days on the range with Frank Higginson, former National
Champion and holder of 21 National Records. This is essentially
the same class that Frank puts on for the NRA Advanced Pistol
Clinic at the Whittington Center in Raton NM.
An evening with Arnie Vitarbo, former US Air Force team competitor
and former coach of the US National Pistol Team.
George Ross, a member of the All-Army Reserve
and International Pistol Teams as well as
the US National Pistol Team gave a clinic in June on
International-style shooting.
We routinely have large clinics given the day before major matches
(June and August) by members of national military teams here to
compete in our matches.
For information in how you can participate in our clinics, send
us email.